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Deepawali commonly known as Diwali is synonymous with lights and crackers!! Every year, millions around the world celebrate Diwali with much fun and frolic. However, during Diwali the stress level of our loved pets unfortunately shoots up,mainly because of the sound of crackers. Pets not only experience “Stress” because of the loud crackers but also they have to deal with pollution that is caused by the smoke released from crackers. “Stress” is the body’s mechanism to cope up with danger. This mechanism is activated either when danger is perceived or even anticipated. Hence, even when there is no real danger, like during Diwali, pets still experiences stress because they anticipate danger when they hear unnatural loud noise. Pets react the same way as if they are in real danger and they for a long period of time have to live with this feeling of fear. Dog have a high hearing range as compared to humans and can hear distant sounds. Dog’s range of hearing is usually 67Hz to 45 kHz as compared to humans hearing ability which ranges from 12Hz to 20 kHz .

A day of Diwali is exclusively celebrated for DOGS in Nepal !!

Diwali in Nepal is celebrated for five days, and one day of the festivities is set aside to celebrate the relationship that humans have with their canine friends.
The 2nd day of Diwali is mentioned as Swanti in the Newar region, and it is a day to pay homage to dogs and their loyal companionship. They are treated to heaps of scrumptious food and both pets and street dogs are blessed and pampered throughout the day.

Few tips for safe Diwali with your pets:
Pre-Diwali preparation

  • We as rational beings need to ensure to run an awareness drive in our societies. The drive should include the society’s children where they should be taught to be kind to stray animals and not to burst crackers near them.
  • To keep a list of animal welfare NGOs’ contact numbers handy. In case we find an injured animal in or around our locality or on the road, please connect with these NGOs and save our dogs.
  • Require to walk our pet friends with leash since firework starts a day or two ahead of Diwali which may frighten the pet friend.

Precautions during Diwali for our pets:

  • To take our furry pal for a long walk and feed him well before the crackers start bursting. This will make him feel less stressed.
  • To ensure that our pet friend is kept indoor much before the noise begins as loud cracker even far busted away will scare the dog
  • Also it will be great if we say no to crackers our self and ask others also not to use crackers. Crackers are not only harmful for our pet but the toxic gases are also harmful for our environment and our children.
  • For those who burst crackers, it’s a kind request to them to burst crackers at least in a limited and centralized location so that animals can be kept away from fireworks.
  • We need to ensure that the doors and windows of our houses be closed so that the external sound entry remain minimized.
  • If possible we can try to turn on the volume of television or radio to help shield the noise of crackers.
  • To ensure that the lamps and candles be kept out of pet’s reach to avoid accidental fire or burns.
  • We need to immediately consult our Veterinarian if our pets are showing acute discomfort or distress from loud noises and smoke.
  • Most important to give maximum love to your pet friend.

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